Staying safe in the age of Coronavirus

*This blog is the first in the mini-series, as we try to go through the global issue of novel Coronavirus together. Keep checking this space for more tips and tricks on how to stay fit and eat healthy during the lockdown.

A month ago, no one could have imagined that the whole world would come to a complete halt in a matter of just a few weeks. Today, more than 1.5 billion people are under lockdown, and the largest global economies have taken a beating.

Having spent our careers at Cocofly committed to the health and well-being of our customers worldwide, it is difficult to remain passive as we see people’s lives upturned in the face of such a direct threat to ones health in the form of the novel Coronavirus. Through this Coronavirus mini-series we aim to provide useful tips, information and life hacks so that the impact of this pandemic on your life is reduced in whatever way possible. Lockdowns and major restrictions on movement may prevent you from carrying on with your previous healthy routine, but that shouldn’t stop you from adapting to the current situation and finding a way to maintain your nutritional intake and stay highly active even without leaving your front door.

As with most things in life, the best place to start is usually at the beginning. And so we kick off this series with a few common sense guidelines to focus on as the first defence against catching Covid-19: trying not to catch it in the first place. Follow the steps below, and while we can’t guarantee anything, at least you’re on the right track:

  1. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. You are most likely to catch the virus from the things you touch around you.

  2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you do manage to get the virus onto your hands, this is how the virus can enter your body.

  3. Avoid close contact with other people. Keep at least 2 meters. or 6 ft distance. Even if they are not displaying visible signs of the virus, they may be carriers or could potentially pass on the virus to you if you are not careful. It’s best just to keep your distance.

  4. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash, and wash your hands. In case you are carrying the virus, you want to avoid passing it on to anyone else.

  5. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Just like washing your hands, it’s good to regularly clean surfaces like door handles, steering wheels and toilet flushes - anything that other people may have touched before you got there.

  6. Stay home as much as you can and go out only if it's very important. You can control the environment inside your own home, but once you step out we can’t go around cleaning every surface you are realistically going to touch, and you can’t always keep a 2 meter distance when you are walking around in an urban area. Where possible, the best way to stay safe is to stay at home.

Following these basic guidelines will minimize your chances of catching the infection. Once you have this under control you can then turn your mind to your body’s own defence mechanism by finding ways to strengthen your immune system and continue to stay active. To find out more, look out for the next blog in the series as we take you through each aspect of your new life under lockdown.

In the meantime, stay safe out there!

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