Are you hydrated enough?

The human body is 60% water. To put that number into perspective, no other substance that you eat or drink plays a bigger role in your body’s overall composition. If you stopped drinking water today you would only survive for 3 days, so the fact that you are still here, reading this article means that you are drinking enough fluids to survive. But is survival enough? And are you actually as hydrated as you should be? Why would that even matter?

As it happens, your body’s level of hydration can impact everything from your memory to keeping your organs functioning properly. If you haven’t already, it’s time to take hydration seriously. Read on to find out whether you’re hydrated enough and what you need to do to optimise your hydration.


When you drink a glass of water, your body absorbs the water through your digestive system and moves it into your blood stream. It is here that your body can make use of the water, either to regulate the concentration of electrolytes and other substances in your body, or to allow specific processes to take place like keeping your organs functioning normally. You lose water constantly - when you go to the toilet, whenever you sweat and even with every single breath you exhale - so your body gets progressively dehydrated throughout the day. But water isn’t the only substance in question when it comes to hydration: water of course is essential, but it plays a key role in maintaining the right concentrations of other things in your body such as electrolytes, or salts. That is why you often feel thirsty after eating something salty - it is your body’s way of bringing your salt levels back down, essentially by diluting them in water. This correction process is continuous and happens without you realising it, which is why staying hydrated is about topping up throughout the day rather than drinking all of your water in one go first thing in the morning.


While research around the effects of dehydration are somewhat limited, the dangers of becoming dehydrated are clear, and it can eventually lead to death. Since water affects the way your body functions, becoming dehydrated can lead to all kinds of internal problems. In particular, your brain runs best when it is fully hydrated, and with just 1-2% loss of water you can get fatigued, loss concentration and have impaired reflexes. Your memory can get affected and you could also see hydration affecting your mood and emotional state as it can lead to anxiety. The bottom line is hydration is hugely important for your body and mind and it is worth making an effort to always stay fully hydrated.


When thinking about staying hydrated it is important to take several factors into consideration. Government guidelines will typically point you towards drinking 8 glasses - or roughly 2 litres - everyday, although this number is not absolute. The amount of water you need to consume can change depending on your age, weight or metabolism, as well as the amount of exercise you are doing. Consumption of alcohol can have a very dehydrating effect on your body. Climate can also affect the amount of water you need as your body may lose more water in hotter temperatures. In order to hydrate properly remember that hydration is about water but also electrolytes. If you are doing a lot of exercise or you feel fatigue after going for a long time without drinking fluids, you may need to consume salts in addition to the water you are drinking.


Your body can often tell you when it needs more water. Many doctors will tell you that feeling thirsty is often a good indication that you need to drink some water. Headaches can also be a sign that you are dehydrated, which is why they so often come hand in hand with hangovers. The colour of your urine is often a very good indication of how hydrated you are: you want to aim for a pale yellowish colour, and if your urine is anything stronger it will normally mean you need to drink more water. You don’t need to have completely clear urine to be fully hydrated.


The simple answer is yes. Overhydration can be an issue if you end up drinking too much water, which can lead to your body’s balance of essential salts becoming over-diluted. However, across the population it is much more likely to come across people who are not drinking enough water rather than people who are drinking too much. If you are worried about the amount of water you are drinking it is always best to consult your doctor.

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